10 Reasons Modern Dating Makes It Difficult to Meet Someone Meaningful
My friend and I have a withstanding appointment most mornings to text back and forth and send each other voice notes. While we connect about our lives in general, much of our conversation focuses on our love lives or lack thereof. We giggle at each other’s stories. We share sound advice. We encourage each other to remain hopeful.
Sometimes the fire of hope seems to be on a slow burnout. Between the two of us, we’ve seen similarities in the reasons why connections are not made or when they are made, they quickly fizzle out. Here are 10 sound reasons why modern dating makes it difficult to connect with someone meaningful.
1. Emotional Baggage is Real
Date long enough and at some point, you will likely be able to say that you have been hurt or burnt. No one goes out looking for this, but it happens to the best of us. What can I tell you? People can be immature. Non-communicative. And oftentimes, they don’t even know what they want. Too bad they don’t realize this before they get involved with someone else. After you’ve had a bad experience or two, many of us are hesitant to get back in the dating saddle. We become guarded and difficult to get to know. Sometimes uncompromising. Emotional baggage is a real barrier to making an authentic and deep connection to…