Are Your Whimsical Ideas About Love Preventing You From Settling Down?

Jacqueline Atulip
4 min readJan 4, 2022
relationships, woman dreaming, are you whimsical about falling in love?
Photo by Alice Alinari on Unsplash

I’m very passionate about everyone living their best life. I’m a romantic at heart and I firmly believe that everyone deserves to find someone with whom they can partner and experience life together. The adage, “no man is an island” couldn’t be more accurate than present day. During this chaotic time, it’s more crucial than ever before to have a support network. It is comforting and essential to connect with someone, and experience the kind of emotional and intellectual support that will make these difficult times a little more bearable. Granted, this is easier said than done.

Most of us have a fundamental idea of what we want in a partner and what we believe we deserve. It’s this gut feeling that aids in selecting partners and assists with deciphering whether or not to pursue a relationship with a potential candidate. How much of what we BELIEVE we deserve, impacts our dating experience?

Modern society offers a variety of ways to connect with a potential mate. With the presentation of endless options comes the idea that what anyone wants, can happen, it’s just a matter of time or opportunity. More than ever before, people are more inclined to hold out for “what they want”. This is directly related to a growing fear that they may be “settling” if they settle down too soon.



Jacqueline Atulip

I write about love, dating, sex, and relationships. Helping you to manifest your best love life. Follow me: @jacquelineatulip |