Member-only story
Close Your Legs: Make Him Earn It First!
Recently, I was scrolling through the gram, when I came across the most insane suggestion from a “dating coach”. He was giving a tip to women on how to figure out a man’s net worth and in his own words he was “very serious”. He went on to say, “All you have to do is sleep with them.”
What followed after that was him breaking down a man’s socioeconomic status based on how good he was in bed.
I was utterly disgusted.
Certainly, there have to be better ways for you to get the information you need to evaluate a man who doesn’t involve you risking your health or unwanted pregnancy. According to the coach, you have sexual needs and are going to be sleeping with someone anyway so you might as well make it purposeful.
It was the “all you have to do” part that got me. I understand women have undergone a sexual revolution and very rarely are people waiting until marriage to have sex. I’m not suggesting or advocating that you do that, but why on earth would you be so cavalier about sleeping with a man?
Withhold Sex To Uncover a Man’s True Feelings
The amount of women who are giving themselves sexually to men freely, without much thought, is sad.